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green-addiction@blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

my life at australia starts today...
OmgOsH! Luckily Im out from de plane...
I was like going to DIE
The plane was the worse place Ive ever been!
Im not goin back to de plane..
I dint eat thier food u know why?
cz thier food STINK! -.-

Bt the great thing was I reach to de destination finally =S
its great here
12 degree =D
CooooOOOoooOoOLing man!
LoL even though the weather looks like
Malaysia =S
Now im in sophia's house (Fren's house)
wow made new frens too
sophia's neighbours cousin
Ryan and Catherine =D
sophia is jealous Ryan is taller even though he din play basketball =S
i know why they come
u know why???
bcz they come for my mom to cut thier hair lo =o=
LoL So swt ..
sophia wan cut like my hair...
bt her mom doesnt allow =S
Hey the Ryan oso wan my hair?!
ever since when my hair is popular?
Mayb ltr we'll go to the City for a shop =D
Hope i cld find a mini skirt since
i have lots of money now =P
Kk I have nth much today Cyaaa!

Friday, September 19, 2008

time passed sooo extremely fast...

Im reli gona miss u guys lots bt some how
mayb I wouldnt regret going
cz I also wanna see Sophia.

anyway, whoever wanna talk more wit me
play CrazyMS!
the website is
if cant,
go google type CrazyMS
Not the 1st one!
scroll down like the 4th or 5th
wrote CrazyMS>> Portal.
then scroll down the red words
then clik the web on the red words
then downloadddd
see me thr yeah!
Haha wan cash or money
I will sponser u guys xD
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

OMGod Dont Tell Me That
JohnMS and Krytec has been closed down?!

haiz.. anyone know how to download
If u know pls jod down my chat box how 2 download it =D
Pls pls pls pls..
I'll b very happy!

btw, I reli dont thinkJohnMS
closed down.

everyone's happy 2 play it
and why it closed down?
cant be money poor
nor anything
bt i guess is some maplesea
ppl sue this server!

Mahai them! I hate them!
They dont know why we quit maplesea!
Its bcz BUG everyday
then got Hacking..
after Patch oso take more den 1 day...
soo long who one's to play -.-"

haiz.. hope JohnMS din close down
jz hope is jz some patchy~ Hahah
pray pray pray ^^

Hope he wont cancel it,
bt the website cant go =S

6 more days till i go aus le =(
Miss ya guys lots!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

my days b4 going to aus sometimes are boring...
my life is everyday tuition too @.@
I can DIE man....
Bt the day last friday was fun ^^
I went to rakuzen with Livia n her family..
together with mine ^^
Trade some songs from blue tooth too =P
Btw.. 14 mroe days to australia. and 11 more days till I stay In KL
and Im no longer staying in PJ le =(
dats very very very SAD!!
Cant seee my shuai buddies, jerica, freda, jenny, and some others =(
Bt some times I feel I dun go to australia,
my fren Sophia would b lonely =(
she's waiting for me to go
so that she wan go out to hang out wit me
lols bt I still feel very appreciating that Im going 2 australia =D
Malaysian education government so lao zha..
duno hw 2 UPGRATE d education.
oni know hw 2 DOWNGRATE d education ==
see, next year the students would learn MALAY science n maths..
btw going australia has its good news n bad news =)=
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wow this is abt yst ah!
okays yst I was like @.@ DENTIST!
Walau come out i nid put simen on my teeth..
eat oso hard..
tok oso hard ==?
then went to tuition looo

I today maths crazy @.@
maths maths maths
until b4 my dad come my tcher ask me teach a boy hw 2 do
wowly even i know hw can he duknow!!

Plus is easy btw ._.

come home u know who n who kena some misunderstanding =(
Luckily Im de middle person ^^
Or they wont b together agn =(
Hehe :D

walau me n sue ling n jieqi some compliment abt u know who!

sob kesian jieqi
wads her prob simply blame qi!

anyways me n sue tok on de phone for like 1hr or 2 hr la
then sms wit (someone)
Hahaa guess who's de someone den ^^
anyways my life was like this always
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How I wish Im not alive..
If im not alive what will Happen to me..?
Or wad if I dun hab a Brother even though Im alive?
If I dun hab a brother,
I wont hab fun.. in maple =X

and If Im not alive,
Who's livia's BestFren?
Sometimes I feel Im lucky Im alive too =P
bt some times I dont..
thrs some reason
when Im alive,
I feel like a cockroach to my parents O.o

Bt even though Im alive,
Most of my frens dun reli care of me anyways ._.
some times la =P

walau today Im in a crazy moments too..
I learnt form 4 n 5 Maths..

Hehes =)
Haw ever I feel Happy now I have such a caring fren
Livia, Jerica, Freda, and others
they support me in my life!

tks guys (':
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Haiz yst I was cheated by a JERK!
If u ever seen a guy name UnSinACT or some ppl name start wit o0RayBurn liek that lv 143 bowmaster guild nakawaru

Pls Report HIM
He suck like shit!

Ok my story starts here

Today morining I felt like crying

I miss Jerica Livia N the shuais =(

Haiz.. I went tuition from 9.30 till 1.30
learnt Science and Maths =D

Science abt Minerals and rocks and element

Maths some diagram thingy

jerica msg: hey jer tks for helping me to upgrate my prof =D
Love ya <3

Livia msg: hey livia miz u lots sry bt I quit maple lers..
If my worior my bro make can reach at least lv 35
I dun mind continuing
Bt if cant I dunt sry =(
How ever we can comunicate by letters or msn or hotmail or
Friendster or BLOGGING too ^^
we will comunicate foreva and we wont lost contact =D
anyways love u n shuai too =)

Haha my internet suddenly got prob ><
Ahhh! I connect 1st..
Back @.@

Kays I gota go now bwaiis =D

-any SnJ bears (livia u jia wo like it )
-erm.. @ cash if possible @.@
-stationaries (: I dun mind the STABILO colour pens (:
-Hmmm.. interesting books (:
-Starbucks COFFEE. mocha / capochino/caramel (:
-alot lah! ><

Jerica =P